This chapter presents the detailed output of the two code generators showed in the previous chapter. For the first code generator software, the main focus is on the design of layout that, modeled using the specific editor integrated into the case tool showed in Chapter XIII, can create a complete application. In particular, applying to the generated application a specific cascade style sheet, the generated application is really closer to the original one.
TopUse Of Idm Code Generator: Introduction To The Case Study
This paragraph briefly introduces the example that will serve as a guideline to explain the notation and the process. The description will be very informal, that is, realistic. By this we mean that a domain expert/end user/customer do not think in terms of goal-oriented requirements engineering. Rather, they state their requirements in their own way, that is, using their own vocabulary (the domain vocabulary) and their own conventions. Part of the job of the requirements engineer is to elicit the actual, often hidden requirements from the end users’ minds (Dardenne, van Lamsweerde, & Fickas, 1993; UWA Consortium, 2001).
The chosen application is in the context of online activities of a bank and in detail about the definition, sale and management of cash/debit cards a specific part to the online services accessible from the Web site of the bank. The application focuses on the sale of cash/debit cards in accordance with current Italian norms.
The application needs to be considered from at least three viewpoints: the end user whose goal is to purchase and manage his/her card, the person responsible for the client within the bank and the employee charged with making sure new cards are available online.
The end user uses the application to choose the best suitable card for their needs, to follow all the phases of the purchase in accordance with current norms, and to manage his/her cards.
For the employees responsible for the clients, the application must allow monitoring of the client situation, tracing the purchase procedure, fulfiling the client requested and suggesting to clients the best possible option based on their profile.
From the point of view of the employee responsible for managing the online cards catalogue, the application must enable producing statistics about the cards available and managing the card catalogue. For reasons of simplicity, the employee responsible has not been taken into account in the case study.
The application must be used in diverse conditions, via various devices in various places, allowing the user access to the service in the best way possible; the ubiquity feature is fundamental for the application; thus, the application must be modeled for several mobile devices such as WAP, PDA, and SmartPhone in several contexts. It is clear that not all of the features are used on all devices.