A Case Study of an Integrated University Portal

A Case Study of an Integrated University Portal

Tracy R. Stewart, Jason D. Baker
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-058-5.ch075
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The increasing complexity and interdependence of campus technology systems poses a significant challenge to universities. Such efforts cannot be solely the domain of a university technology department but requires participation across the institution in order to ensure success. As Irvine (2003) noted, “a decision about course management platforms or portals and their interoperability with other campus systems is a critical institution-wide issue that involves the whole university community” (p. 5). This case study considers the development of an Oracle-powered database-driven student and faculty information single-sign-on portal at Regent University called myRegent. This recently developed portal integrates with our existing student information and learning management systems, SCT Banner, and Blackboard Learning System respectively.

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