Case Study of the St. Paul Companies Virtual Office for the Risk Control Division

Case Study of the St. Paul Companies Virtual Office for the Risk Control Division

Nancy Johnson
Copyright: © 2001 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-87828-961-2.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


The St. Paul Companies has successfully implemented a virtual office (VO) working environment for their US distributed construction risk control and commercial risk control employees over the past six years. The program goals of operating more cost effectively, increasing contact of the risk control specialists with their customers, and reducing office space costs for The St. Paul Companies have been met. There are many good practices that have been developed over the six years of offering the program, and more refinements and changes planned. As the communications and computer technologies advance, facilitation of working from remote sites improves. While it is easier for employees to work from remote sites, maintaining the boundaries between work and personal lives is more challenging. Improving the VO employees’ and corporate employees’ understanding of the other’s working conditions is necessary to improve relationships and the acceptance of change. The concept of VO work is well established within the organization, and the demand for it is growing.

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