Challenges in the Area of IoT

Challenges in the Area of IoT

Manish Kumar Saini, Akanksha Aggarwal, Sunita Saini
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9574-8.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter reveals the crucial challenges being faced by the society and the developers in making IoT reach to every nook and corner of the society. But as every coin has two sides, besides the boon of IoT, there are some banes too which can be now considered as the challenges open for the developers to make IoT a bigger success. Every application has its own issues in adopting IoT. Among them, the common and major ones are security and privacy concerns, ubiquitous network connectivity, societal reluctance to new technology, lack of standard protocols, gigantic data size, high-cost investment, robustness, and self-sustainability of IoT sensors connected in wireless sensor networks. Besides common challenges, challenges specific to different sectors of IoT applications like retail sector, healthcare sector, smart grid, smart city, agricultural sector, smart homes, transportation sector, smart metering, and power sector have been pondered in this chapter. These challenges need to be first combated so that IoT can bring the expected transformation at global level.
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Issues Common To All Iot Applications

Though, IoT is becoming the new brightening star of every industry, but large plexus of IoT is creating many hurdles in successful adoption of IoT in different paradigms. A long deployment cycle, innate complexity of IoT applications and high cost of a large scale deployment can easily doom a nascent deployment. So, many challenges need to be solved before designing and deploying any IoT application to help IoT applications survive and grow (Jeyanthi, Thandeeswaran, 2017). Though, every application of IoT has some different issues particular to that application only, but in this plethora of problems being faced by IoT, there are some prominent issues common to each and every application as discussed below.

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