A Chinese Interactive Feedback System for a Virtual Campus

A Chinese Interactive Feedback System for a Virtual Campus

Chen Jui-Fa, Lin Wei-Chuan, Jian Chih-Yu, Hung Ching-Chung
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-934-2.ch020
(Individual Chapters)
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Considering the popularity of the Internet, an automatic interactive feedback system for E-learning websites is becoming increasingly desirable. However, computers still have problems understanding natural languages, especially the Chinese language, firstly because the Chinese language has no space to segment lexical entries (its segmentation method is more difficult than that of English) and secondly because of the lack of a complete grammar in the Chinese language, making parsing more difficult and complicated. Building an automated Chinese feedback system for special application domains could solve these problems. This paper proposes an interactive feedback mechanism in a virtual campus that can parse, understand and respond to Chinese sentences. This mechanism utilizes a specific lexical database according to the particular application. In this way, a virtual campus website can implement a special application domain that chooses the proper response in a user friendly, accurate and timely manner.

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