Cloud Security Architecture Based on Fully Homomorphic Encryption

Cloud Security Architecture Based on Fully Homomorphic Encryption

Vaishali Ravindra Thakare, K. John Singh
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 7
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-0194-8.ch005
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Cloud computing is a new environment in computer-oriented services. The high costs of network platforms, development in client requirements, data volumes and weight on response time pushed companies to migrate to cloud computing, providing on-demand web facilitated IT services. Cloud storage empowers users to remotely store their information and delight in the on-demand high quality cloud applications without the affliction of local hardware management and programming administration. In order to solve the problem of data security in cloud computing system, by introducing fully homomorphism encryption algorithm in the cloud computing data security, another sort of information security solution to the insecurity of the cloud computing is proposed, and the scenarios of this application is hereafter constructed. This new security arrangement is completely fit for the processing and retrieval of the encrypted data, successfully prompting the wide relevant prospect, the security of data transmission, and the stockpiling of the cloud computing.
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Enterprises are the quick approaching new advanced time in which we store our information and perform our extravagant computation remotely. With the use of cloud there are numerous points of interest in expenses and usefulness, but the issue with the cloud is secret data may not be secure (Bhushan & Reddy, 2016; Bhushan & Pradeep, 2016). Today, enterprises are looking towards cloud computing environment to expand their on-premise infrastructure, but most cannot afford the cost of the danger of trading off the security of their applications and information. Recent advances in Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) allows us to perform arbitrarily complex dynamically picked computations on encrypted data, despite not having the secret decryption key. Processing encrypted data homomorphically requires greater number of computations than processing the data unencrypted.

Scientifically talked is a homomorphic cryptosystem, a cryptosystem whose encryption function is a homomorphism and thus preserves group operation performed on cipher texts. The two group operations are the arithmetic addition and multiplication (Bhushan & Reddy, 2018, 2016). A homomorphic encryption scheme is said to be additive if the followings holds:

E(x+y) = E(x)+ E(y)

What's more it is said to be multiplicative ifE(x, y) = E(x) * E(y)Where E characterizes an encryption function.

The cryptosystem that support either of the two operations are said to be partially homomorphic encryption system, and the once that supports both the additions and multiplications of cipher texts is called as fully homomorphic encryption (FHE).

Cloud Computing and Fully Homomorphic Encryption

The progression of FHE has empowered the cloud service providers a better approach to ensure confidentiality and privacy of user data. a solution to the old open issue of developing a fully homomorphic encryption scheme. This idea, formerly called a privacy homomorphism, was presented by Rivest, Adelman and Dertouzous (Rivest, Adleman & Dertouzos, 1978; Poluru et al., 2019) shortly after the invention of RSA by Rivest, Shamir and Adleman.

To provide the better security we are going to extend the security solution for cloud computing with the help of fully homomorphic encryption cryptosystem.

Principle Fully Homomorphic Encryption

Craig Gentry develop homomorphism encryption plan including 4 techniques. They are the key generation, encryption, decryption algorithm and additional Evaluation algorithm. Fully homomorphic encryption incorporates two fundamental homomorphism types. They are the multiply homomorphic encryption algorithm and additively homomorphic encryption algorithm. The multiplication and addition with Homomorphic properties. Homomorphic encryption algorithm underpins just addition homomorphism and multiplication homomorphism before 2009. Fully homomorphic encryption is to discover an encryption algorithm, which can be any number of addition algorithm and multiplication algorithm in the encoded information. For just, this paper utilizes a symmetrical completely encryption homomorphic algorithm proposed by Craig Gentry (Gentry & Halevi, 2010; Rayani, Bhushan & Thalare, 2018)

Encryption Algorithm

The encryption parameters p, q and r, where p is a positive odd number, q is a large positive integer, p and q determined in the key generation phase, p is an encryption key, and r is a random number encrypted when selected.

For the text m, calculation


Then you can get the cipher text.

Decipherment Algorithm

To plaintext


Because the 978-1-7998-0194-8.ch005.m03 is much less than 978-1-7998-0194-8.ch005.m04 , then

978-1-7998-0194-8.ch005.m05 = m

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