Cloud Service Footprint (CSF): Utilizing Risk and Governance Directions to Characterize a Cloud Service

Cloud Service Footprint (CSF): Utilizing Risk and Governance Directions to Characterize a Cloud Service

Mohammad Shalan
Copyright: © 2017 |Pages: 28
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-1721-4.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
10% Discount:-$3.75


Cloud Computing (CC) services have made substantive advances in the past few years. It is rapidly changing the landscape of technology, and energizing the long-held promise of utility computing. Successful jump into CC is a considerable task, since the surroundings are not yet mature and the accompanied risk and governance frameworks are still evolving. This effort aims to portray an identity for CC services by employing risk and governance directions among other elements and techniques. Cloud Service Footprint (CSF) is considering practical aspects surrounding the CC paradigm and prescribing the associated directions. CSF will help Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) to characterize their service and benchmark themselves. The Client Enterprises (CEs) can utilize CSF dimensions to find a better way to navigate through CC service arena and to understand its parameters. Along with cost and functional capabilities, the Cloud Service Footprint (CSF) can provide enough information for business executives to evaluate CC services and make informed decisions.
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Cloud Computing (CC) represents the network of business platforms (Baya, Mathaisel & Parker, 2010). It is a new way to conceptualize and manage the integration between business and technology. Yet, there is no universal way to measure business and technology alignment in literature (HBR, 2011; De Haes & Grembergen, 2009). Risk and governance are gaining more space to reshape the cloud era. The parameters of CC services are extensively discussed in literature, similarly are risk management and governance. But, they are evolving with plenty of research dedicated to each topic individually or bi-combined (Aven, 2008; Ackermann, 2012; Goranson, 1999). We are jointly correlating these topics. The joint understanding is unique since everyone know these topics individually, but limited client enterprises (CEs) are doing all of it.

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