Collaboration in Context as a Framework for Designing Innovative Mobile Learning Activities

Collaboration in Context as a Framework for Designing Innovative Mobile Learning Activities

Daniel Spikol
Copyright: © 2009 |Pages: 25
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-062-2.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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In this chapter we describe our continuing efforts related to the design, implementation and evaluation of innovative educational activities supported by ubiquitous computing in the AMULETS (advanced mobile and ubiquitous learning environments for teachers and students) project. We argue that the design of innovative mobile learning activities should be guided by collaborative learning scenarios in context supported by mobile and ubiquitous technologies. To support this claim, we propose a conceptual framework of collaboration in context that can be used when designing novel mobile learning scenarios. This framework provides the designer with opportunities to tackle the challenges of designing for innovative mobile learning activities. To illustrate our ideas, we present the results of three trials we have conducted with children and adult students since the spring of 2006. These mobile learning activities have been designed and implemented using our proposed framework. Working with the teachers and students gave us the opportunity to design learning activities at authentic settings using meaningful content that has relevance for the school curriculum. The outcome of our efforts suggests that outdoor learning experiences supported by ubiquitous technologies should be combined with learning activities in the classroom to provide learners with meaningful activities.

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