Collaborative E-Learning Using Semantic Course Blog

Collaborative E-Learning Using Semantic Course Blog

Lu Lai-Chen, Yeh Ching-Long
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-934-2.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Collaborative e-learning delivers many enhancements to e-learning technology; it enables students to collaborate with each other and improves their learning efficiency. Semantic blog combines semantic Web and blog technology that users can import, export, view, navigate, and query the blog. We developed a semantic course blog for collaborative e-learning. Using our semantic course blog, instructors can import the lecture course. Students can team up for projects, ask questions, mutually discuss problems, take the comments, support answers, and query the blog information. This semantic course blog provided a platform for collaborative e-learning framework. In this chapter, we described some collaborative e-learning and semantic blog technology, and then we introduced functions, implementation and how collaborative e-learning appears in semantic course blog.

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