E-Commerce as a Business Enabler for Small and Medium Size Enterprises: Issues and Perspectives from Singapore

E-Commerce as a Business Enabler for Small and Medium Size Enterprises: Issues and Perspectives from Singapore

Leo Tan Wee Him, R. Subramaniam
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-202-2.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The new economy is posing challenges for countries to enhance their competitiveness through IP-based business initiatives. A key strategy is to get small and medium-size enterprises to be part of the e-commerce ecosystem. Singapore has put in place an advanced digital telecommunications network as well as the necessary regulatory and policy frameworks for the support of e-businesses. In this chapter, the status of e-commerce developments among small and medium size enterprises in Singapore is assessed. It is noted that, whilst these enterprises still have quite a way to go in terms of emulating e-business practices, market developments will force many of them to adopt e-commerce practices in due course. State intervention strategies are also especially imperative in getting promising enterprises as well as others in growth sectors to come on board the e-commerce platform.

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