Community and Technology: Social Learning in CCIS

Community and Technology: Social Learning in CCIS

Roger S. Slack
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-878289-69-8.ch023
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter outlines the development of a community information service in the Southeast of Scotland — the Craigmillar Community Information Service (CCIS). It develops a socio-technical analysis of the development of the service and draws out some potential lessons regarding the development of community identity through the use and application of ICTs. What we present here is not intended to be a model which others should follow — it is our belief that each implementation of ICTs in the community is unique, and that the same is true of the solutions. Rather we aim to highlight some problems and their local solutions in the hope that community information services can find something of value for their work.

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