Concept of Approach to Optimize ICT Management Practices: State of the Art

Concept of Approach to Optimize ICT Management Practices: State of the Art

Manuel António dos Santos Landum, Leonilde Reis, M. M. M. Moura
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4099-2.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
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The rapid evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT) has led to changes in business processes, namely in public services or in local administration. Currently, customer expectations are focused on an incremental modernization that may imply greater mobility, cost reduction, and response times. This chapter describes a multidisciplinary and integrative approach considering the specificity of the Portuguese local administration. The proposed approach assumes of continuous improvement within the scope of integrated and sustained governance, which is based on the alignment of ICT with business. Thus, it is recommended that the contributions of the approach are the optimization of practices established in the domains of sustainability, human capital, increased productivity, optimization of information security practices, and improvement of environmental quality, promoting alignment with Green IT.
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Ict Management

Technology, pace of life and climate change in our present time change at previously unimaginable speeds.

In this way, it is necessary that ICT can provide powerful tools that help in each organization's strategies, by not degrading environmental sustainability, in alignment with Green IT, but that can simultaneously bring advantages that help improve and strengthen each organization.

The review of the literature presented here is supported by references and papers cited, whose research was based on key words according to the theme to be addressed, and based simultaneously on articles on the subject, which allow us to jointly treat the sustainability analysis.

Key Terms in this Chapter

ITIL: The most widely accepted IT service management framework. ITIL is a set of practices used by organizations to manage IT services.

Sustainability: Ability to sustain life on the planet, considering the five dimensions: individual, social, economic, technical, and environmental.

Information Systems: Is the organized set of components such as people, processes of collection and transmission of data and material resources, automated or manual. The interaction of components enhances the processing and dissemination of information.

Information and Communication Technologies: A technological resource set used to process information and ensure communication. When used in an integrated way it enhances information transmission and communication processes.

International Standards: A set of technical standards establishing a quality management model for organizations in general, whatever their type or dimension, covering various areas within organizations.

Green IT: Practices in the domain of the use of Information and Communication Technologies in order to enhance sustainability.

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