A Conceptual Model of Customer Innovation Centric

A Conceptual Model of Customer Innovation Centric

Amin A. Shaqrah
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-0288-5.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
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Customer innovation centric is not only an important perspective on value-creation, but also a new strategy discipline that IT software companies in Jordan should embrace if they are pursue to enlargement successfully. Furthermore, customer experience, customers’ community, customer knowledge, and customer innovation are influential variables for improving organizational learning from customer. In order to study this impact, the author uses cognitive fit theory to develop a model that describes how these variables will affect the success of organizational learning process to enhance products and/or services development, quality, and internal process improvement.
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Review Of Literature

CRM is the strategic process of shaping the interactions between organizations and its customers with the goal of maximizing current and lifetime value of customers for the organization as well as maximizing satisfaction for customers (Shaw and Reed, 1999).Chaffey (2004) defined CRM an approach to building and sustaining long term business with customers. Chaffy(2004) discussed that CRM seeks to establish long term, committed, trusting and cooperative relation with customers, characterized by openness, genuine concern for the delivery of high quality services, responsiveness to customer suggestions, fair dealing and the willingness to sacrifice short term advantage for long term gains. Lee (2001) defined the steps to successful CRM based on best practice as the implementation of customer-centric business strategies, deriving from the redesigning of functional activities, demanding re-engineering of work processes and support, not driven by CRM technology. This situation makes organizations realized that CRM as a business strategy will maximize profitability, revenue and customer satisfaction by organizing around customer segments, fostering behavior and implementing customer-centric processes.

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