Conclusion and Recommendations

Conclusion and Recommendations

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60960-619-0.ch020
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter summarizes key findings of all the chapters contained in the book and presents analytical views on how modeling of land use and climate change and the consequent biodiversity change may potentially be used to assess past, current, and future threats to biodiversity and livelihoods of people at local and regional levels. In addition, this chapter identifies some key results, future innovations and research needs, e.g., accurate land use prediction, downscaling world climate data to local condition, and biodiversity/species distribution model. It also includes how to effectively implement the model results for conservation of land and biodiversity such as protected area system plan, optimal land use policy, environmental impact assessment, and strategic environmental assessment.
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3. Land Use, Climate And Biodiversity Models

Deforestation causes a number of effects on biological and physical environment, such as habitat loss, habitat fragmentation, species extinction, deterioration of soil properties, drought, flooding, especially if the resulting cleared land is not managed sustainably. Increased fragmentation often results in the subdivision of the natural environment into isolated patches of different sizes and shapes (Turner and Corlett, 1996) and diminish species distribution and gene flow (Raabova et al., 2007), as well as favors species adapted to edge habitats, but prevents species living in core areas (Yahner, 1988). Part II of this book provides general information on the consequence of deforestation and climate change on biodiversity, and shows how Geo-informatics tools to monitor and assess biodiversity and land use change.

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