Conjuncture, Capital Fractions, and Public Property

Conjuncture, Capital Fractions, and Public Property

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-5996-9.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter explores economic theories within the context of capitalism, public sector activities, and privatization. The first part establishes a philosophical and historical foundation, identifying key concepts and their definitions within different levels of capitalism. The second part examines terms like strategy, development, policy, accumulation, and growth, differentiating their roles in economic theories and practices. It distinguishes between economic growth (total output increase) and accumulation (capacity to produce output increase), highlighting their implications for development and policy. The chapter critically analyzes capitalism's tendencies to generate crises and cyclical fluctuations, exploring their impact on social structures and public sector activities. It also examines capitalism's historical continuity, recognizing its renewal and adaptation. A significant portion contrasts economic theories regarding public ownership and privatization, highlighting ideological and practical differences in addressing economic challenges within capitalist frameworks.
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