Cost Estimation and Security Investment of Security Projects

Cost Estimation and Security Investment of Security Projects

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7492-7.ch014
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter aims at examining two main aspects in security: cost estimation and investment assessment. The characteristics of security projects are stressed and the importance of adopting management task is determined. In addition, the chapter examines the different cost-estimation models developed for security project and discusses the technical and managerial factors affecting the cost estimation and the management of projects. In addition, a review of research works directed toward security investment models is determined. In fact, most models have focused on determining the optimal security investment allocation based on budgetary, economic, and financial constraints. Recent models are interested to examine more specific security features when assessing the required investment (e.g., system vulnerabilities, attack types, risk factors, data privacy, and insurance). Finally, the chapter discusses future directions that could be investigated to make available useful models for cost estimation and investment on security projects.
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Security Projects Management Frameworks

In this section, we examine the objective and features of security project and show the importance of the management task when dealing with these projects.

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