Crab-Walking in the Crosswalk: A Standards and Competency Matrix Using ISTE Educator Standards With Teacher Educator Technology Competencies

Crab-Walking in the Crosswalk: A Standards and Competency Matrix Using ISTE Educator Standards With Teacher Educator Technology Competencies

Susan A. Elwood, Kelli Bippert
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1461-0.ch015
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Faculty integration of the technology standards and competencies remain a concern in higher education, especially in the movement toward competency-based education and portfolio development. The “CRABwalk within the Crosswalk” occurs as both ISTE educator standards and TETC competencies are collaboratively reviewed and worked. This protocol is designed to help align a team's multiple standards and competencies within one collaborative assessment tool. It provides a cognitive tool to facilitate partnership collaboration that can result in greater individual and team growth and development. This chapter provides a literature review of K-12 teacher education and university faculty perceptions as a cultural models base to the presented Crosswalk to Rubric Alignment (CRABwalk) protocol. Professional standard or competency needs are of focus and therefore meet the needs of each educator group: preservice, inservice, and teacher educator.
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Supportive Theoretical Frames

The most supportive theoretical frameworks for the developed competency-based crosswalk were deemed to be those of situated learning and cultural models. More specifically, situated learning will be focused upon communities of inquiry. K12 teacher and university faculty perceptions will also be reviewed. K12 teacher perceptions of a) value of technology, b) teacher access, c) teacher efficacy, and d) training and support will be reviewed. University faculty perceptions related to technology use include self-efficacy, technical support, and generational factors.

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