Creating a Sustainable Supply Chain in Response to Unstable Market Expectations

Creating a Sustainable Supply Chain in Response to Unstable Market Expectations

Halina Maria Brdulak, Anna Janina Brdulak
Copyright: © 2016 |Pages: 25
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0001-8.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This paper aims to indicate a possible development direction for enterprises and sustainable supply chains under circumstances of uncertain economic situation in the world. On the basis of their own research and descriptions of specific examples, the authors think that future strategies will be more oriented on the use of “soft” competences of employees. This direction is confirmed by the quoted research conducted by independent companies. For the purposes of building the strategy of sustainable supply chains it is necessary to engage appropriate leaders who, to a larger degree than previously, will be able to motivate and encourage employees to creative thinking. An additional challenge is presented by generation Y and Z entering the labour market and their co-operation with generation X or even Baby Boomer. The challenged is met, in the authors' opinion, by consistent implementation of the CSR concept providing the basis for creating Lean Management model.
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The sustainable supply chain involves not only company relations with external stakeholders. It also comprises the way of handling and managing employees. That is why, it is vital that the balance, an enterprise should aim at, should be viewed in terms of two layers - an external and internal environment. A sustainable organization should pay particular attention to management of various resources which it possesses.

Managing diversity constitutes one of the elements of raising the level of social capital which is vital to economic and social development of the country as well as its competitiveness. Social capital may be defined as the potential gathered in the Polish society in the form of norms of proceeding, trust and involvement which by supporting cooperation and exchange of knowledge contribute to the growth of welfare of Poland (Report Poland 2030. Development Challenges., 2009).

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