Critical Factors in the Development of Executive Systems-Leveraging the Dashboard Approach

Critical Factors in the Development of Executive Systems-Leveraging the Dashboard Approach

Frederic Adam, Jean-Charles Pomeral
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-045-5.ch019
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Based on the Rockart’s critical success factor (CSF) approach, this chapter puts forward a practical method to guide the development of executive information systems (EIS) in organizations. This method extends the current theory of EIS by using the concept of the dashboard of information to show how an enterprise-wide approach to the development of more effective decision support for managers can deliver tangible benefits without requiring the time-consuming and single-decision focus of the traditional development methods. This method also attempts to leverage the latest computing technologies now available for the development of such systems, notably graphical user interfaces (GUI), data warehousing (DW) and OLAP. The proposed approach is illustrated by examples of dashboard developments, which show how managers should carry out the analysis and development of such a system in their own organizations, business units or functional areas.

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