Data Stewards, Curators, and Experts: Library Data Engagement at Samuel J. Wood Library at Weil Cornell Medicine

Data Stewards, Curators, and Experts: Library Data Engagement at Samuel J. Wood Library at Weil Cornell Medicine

Peter R. Oxley, Sarah Ben Maamar, Terrie Wheeler
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3026-5.ch026
(Individual Chapters)
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Research data management practices continue to evolve as data become more connected, distributed, granular, and continuous. While keeping their mandate to serve the academic community, libraries are seeking to foster knowledge creation, learning, and information access in an ever more data-driven and online environment. In this chapter, the authors describe their perspectives that shape the library's mandate, roles, and technology. They detail specific roles that have been created to foster data engagement: a secure enclave data core, an institutional data catalog, scientific software management, bioinformatics and research reproducibility support, data integrity, and community engagement. A constant focus on customer service has shaped each role, built the library's reputation, and contributed to high-impact services.
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As the 21st century marches on, academic libraries experience accelerating pressure to evolve beyond mere ‘books and journals.’ While keeping their mandate to serve the academic community, libraries are seeking to foster knowledge creation, learning, and information access in an ever more data-driven and online environment (Turner et al., 2013). Data management practices must adapt as data become ever ‘bigger’ - more connected, more distributed, more granular, and more continuous. Biomedical data has seen consistent development in the form of computable biomedical knowledge (Callahan et al., 2020; Walsh & Wroe, 2020) and Learning Healthcare Systems (Budrionis & Bellika, 2016). This chapter outlines the ways in which the Samuel J. Wood Library at Weill Cornell Medicine (henceforth Wood Library) has innovated services to engage with data science and researchers. The authors describe the perspectives that shape their mandate, roles developed, and technology employed.

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