Data Warehouse Design to Support Customer Relationship Management Analysis

Data Warehouse Design to Support Customer Relationship Management Analysis

Colleen Cunningham, Il-Yeol Song, Peter P. Chen
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-951-9.ch049
(Individual Chapters)
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CRM is a strategy that integrates concepts of knowledge management, data mining, and data warehousing in order to support an organization’s decision-making process to retain long-term and profitable relationships with its customers. This research is part of a long-term study to examine systematically CRM factors that affect design decisions for CRM data warehouses in order to build a taxonomy of CRM analyses and to determine the impact of those analyses on CRM data warehousing design decisions. This article presents the design implications that CRM poses to data warehousing and then proposes a robust multidimensional starter model that supports CRM analyses. Additional research contributions include the introduction of two new measures, percent success ratio and CRM suitability ratio by which CRM models can be evaluated, the identification of and classification of CRM queries, and a preliminary heuristic for designing data warehouses to support CRM analyses.

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