Database Design Based on B

Database Design Based on B

Elvira Locuratolo
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-058-5.ch028
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This chapter is devoted to the integration of the ASSO features in B. ASSO is a database design methodology defined for achieving conceptual schema consistency, logical schema correctness, flexibility in reflecting the real-life changes on the schema and efficiency in accessing and storing information. B is an industrial formal method for specifying, designing, and coding software systems. Starting from a B specification of the data structures and of the transactions allowed on a database, two model transformations are designed: The resulting model, called Structured Database Schema, integrates static and dynamics exploiting the novel concepts of Class-Machine and Specialized Class-Machine. Formal details which must be specified if the conceptual model of ASSO is directly constructed in B are avoided; the costs of the consistency obligations are minimized. Class-Machines supported by semantic data models can be correctly linked with Class-Machines supported by object Models.

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