DDM: Data-Driven Marketing Using AI, ML, and Big Data

DDM: Data-Driven Marketing Using AI, ML, and Big Data

Copyright: © 2025 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-8844-0.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
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To create a campaign blueprint, data-driven marketing optimizes client details. To comprehend our clients entails gathering complicated data through online and physical channels and evaluating it. Through the collection and analysis of information, advertisers create and execute highly customized advertising efforts. Digital advertising is an essential tool for advertising tactics because it's a great way to promote and sell products as well as raise brand knowledge and visibility. Even with the rise of online communities and networking sites, marketing through email remains the most popular way to educate, impact, and create business opportunities. Big Data is thought to revolutionize corporate intelligence, a discipline that depends on statistical analysis to gain understanding and improve making choices. Although the idea of big data is not exclusive to advertising or trade, the growth of e-commerce and online advertising has been crucial in raising awareness of the problem. These industries indeed produce enormous amounts of data by nature that need to be processed.
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