Delivery of a Social Science Online Program in India

Delivery of a Social Science Online Program in India

Shobhita Jain
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61520-963-7.ch069
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This narrative of an engagement with the open and distance learning system and its highpoint of launching anonline learning package in 2001 reveals an attempt to integrate various components of multi-media format of course development. The uneasy task of meeting the various needs of diverse learners became possible by using the information technology tools to communicate and interact more effectively. Well-structured architecture of the website of the program, including its peer-evaluated threaded discussion board has been well accepted by he learners. Rudimentary in its overall design, this first eversocial science on-line program in India may be, it has generated in the institution a live interest in encouraging further attempts at launching on-line programs of study

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