Delivery Technology

Delivery Technology

Kim E. Dooley, James R. Linder, Larry M. Dooley, Walt Magnussen
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-485-9.ch010
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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It is our belief that everyone should understand the basic technical lingo of the profession, so this chapter will give you an overview of the tools of the trade. A major consideration when developing a new course or program at a distance is the selection of the delivery technology. You may even have to decide upon specifications for equipment and modify existing space. In the previous section of the book, we explored the principles of instructional design needed to be successful in distance education. Now we will address technology knowledge and skills. You will gain an understanding of the technology being used in the instructional environment, as well as the server capacity for storing data. Of particular importance is the need for instructors and designers to understand that learners have variable access to and abilities with the delivery technologies. Moreover, instruction must be designed for multiplatform use and for future technology development. How do you select or design the learning interface? What combination of technologies and delivery strategies promote engagement and interaction? What are issues with bandwidth and access that impact both instructors and learners?

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