Design and Analysis of Wearable Antennas

Design and Analysis of Wearable Antennas

Mahesh Kumar Aghwariya, Amit Kumar, Ragini Sharma
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7611-3.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter presents the various designing methods and challenges associated with wearable antennas, selecting the designing material, various fabrication techniques, and implementation methods on the fabric. Wearable antennas have gained popularity in recent years due to their unmatched properties and unique features. The wearable antenna is capable of providing effective wireless communication, tracking, and sensing. These types of antenna need to be conformal when used on numerous parts of the human body, and they need to be lightweight, flexible, and must be implemented easily on the flexible material. These antennas must be capable of operating with maximum efficiency on the human body. These requirements make the wearable antenna design challenging. They also need to be compact in size, better in coupling with the body, and must be capable of handling issues associated with the device when the target is moving.
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1. Introduction Of The Wearable Antenna

These types of antenna are different from the conventional microstrip antenna. The wearable antenna can be installed on the body or any cloth. Normally wearable antennas are installed on a piece of cloth for communication they have many applications like tracking and navigation. They can also be used for public safety.(Kalam et al., 2018) In the textile antennas the element which is radiation the electromagnetic signal is made up of the conductive textile materials such as Pure copper polyester, taffeta fabrics Zelt, Flectron, etc. while the substrate is made up of the nonconductive material such as silk, fleece or felt. Since the last few years, wearable antennas are widely used in body-centric wireless communication and it became a very important branch of mobile communication. For enhancing the body-centric communication, the IEEE 802.15 an Asian committee has been established to regulate application. The communication through the wearable antenna takes place within the range of private and body area networks. The major application of the wearable textile antenna is to communicate and track the person which is wearing the cloth on which the textile antenna is installed.

One of the leading research topics of the antenna technology is a wearable fabric-based antenna. It is also known as the wearable antenna. Wearable antenna technology has several advantages like low cost, lightweight, negligible maintenance, easy installation, and various others. (Aghwariya et al., 2020; Kalam et al., 2018) Most famous type of warble antenna is to watch ghazal GoPro cameras and even the night plus sensor which connects with the smartphone via Bluetooth and it can be installed in user shoes.

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