Design of Automated Locking Device for Geometry Test Equipment in Fiber Optic Connectors Through Interferometry

Design of Automated Locking Device for Geometry Test Equipment in Fiber Optic Connectors Through Interferometry

Jesus Cruz Garza Moreno, Luz Idalia Balderas García, Lourdes Yajaira García Rivera, Francisco Javier Reyes Mireles
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 31
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1119-6.ch007
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In this project, an improvement will be made to reduce the costs for the purchase and repair of measurement fixtures that are used in the equipment that performs the geometry test. This improvement was decided to be implemented since there are constant replacements of measurement fixtures in a brief period, which causes them to have to buy more fixtures because the stock in the warehouse runs out quickly. The stock in the warehouse runs out quickly because the fixtures that are damaged are sent to be repaired by the supplier, therefore, they have an estimated return time. When a measurement fixture is damaged very quickly, it causes it to have to be replaced immediately; that means that the stock is running out because the fixtures that were sent for repair have not yet arrived, causing more to be purchased urgently.
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In this project, an improvement will be made to reduce the costs for the purchase and repair of measurement fixtures that are used in the equipment that performs the geometry test. This improvement was decided to be implemented since there are constant replacements of measurement fixtures in a brief period, which causes them to have to buy more fixtures because the stock in the warehouse runs out quickly.

The stock in the warehouse runs out quickly because the fixtures that are damaged are sent to be repaired by the supplier, therefore, they have an estimated return time; When a measurement fixture is damaged very quickly, it causes it to have to be replaced immediately, that means that the stock is running out because the fixtures that were sent for repair have not yet arrived, causing more to be purchased urgently

This project will be done in the Test Equipment Department in the production area that makes DROP cables, these fixtures are used in the Interferometry Equipment, and they help the fiber optic connector (product) to be introduced through the fixture and the interferometry equipment to do the geometry test.

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