Designing for Service-Oriented Computing

Designing for Service-Oriented Computing

Bill Vassiliadis
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-060-8.ch056
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This case describes major management and technology issues which arise when designing advanced service-oriented architectures in distributed networked environments used for e-learning. The organization at hand uses a mixed funding model and is preparing for a large expansion of its services and capacity. This case takes place after the initiation of a project and during the design phase where significant decisions have to be taken about what is feasible, what are the risks and how they can be dealt with and finally, what is to be developed and how. The need to address diverse goals set by business, technology and education right from the start of the project requires new methodologies for documenting development plans, feasibility studies, risk, and human resource management policies. The project manager needs to go beyond traditional project management methods in order to cope with the needs of this use case and most importantly, to manage the risk that arises from many directions.

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