Details About IDM Web Application Design Methodology

Details About IDM Web Application Design Methodology

Roberto Paiano, Anna Lisa Guido, Andrea Pandurino
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-300-5.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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IDM provides also a good organization of pages with PIDM that, producing different views, allows focusing on different design aspects. IDM inherits several aspects by W2000 (Baresi, Garzotto, Mainetti, & Paolini, 2002) such as the separation of different contents in topic (called in W2000 entity) and the separation of topic in dialogue acts (the components in W2000). To well understand the proposed methodology, in this book, several detailed examples are presented using W2000 and IDM methodology. The design is always in-the-large, but some guidelines in order to lead the designer to carefully design the pages are introduced in the last chapter.
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The IDM methodology is structured in three levels:

  • C-IDM in which an in-the-large design of information contents of application is made

  • L-IDM in which a more detailed design of the contents and of the access structures is made

  • P-IDM in which a detailed project of Web pages that shows the information contents is made.

A short description of the three design levels is shown below. In L-IDM, a first PageDesign in which simple guidelines are presented in order to translate in pages the conceptual ideas made in IDM is present. These guidelines are useful in order to model the PIDM that is the real application model.

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