Detecting Sexual Harassment in Workplace Electronic Communications Networks: The Role of “PROTEGER” for Augmentive Behaviour Monitoring

Detecting Sexual Harassment in Workplace Electronic Communications Networks: The Role of “PROTEGER” for Augmentive Behaviour Monitoring

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7036-3.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Sexual harassment has been a problem within organisations for some time. Its manifestation in electronic communication networks can be seen to amount to cyber-bullying or cyber-stalking. Through looking at records relating to an instance of sexual harassment at a higher education institution, including from that member of staff's workplace, and those created by referrals to the police, the court service, and their workplace, this chapter shows how a piece of assistive technology called the ‘Protective Technology for Ensuring Guardianship of Environmental Resources' (PROTEGER) can automatically detect sexual harassment narratives. In this context, ‘environmental resources' should refer to both humans and documents. Human resource managers would be better equipped to deal with disputes between staff if PROTEGER was running on their local area network as it might not be a matter of one member of staff's word against another's.
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Defining Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is not about sex; rather, it is about power (Dougherty, 2006; Tinsley, & Stockdale, 1993). Another key factor is that sexual harassment has at the heart of it sexism (Dziech & Weiner, 1990), which can be in the form of chivalrous attitudes and behaviours (Bishop, 2015c). Those organisations whose ‘psychology’ is based on the pursuit of power, while at the same time carrying a rhetoric of equality of opportunity, are at greatest risk of intersectionality resulting in dominance being sought as a means to enable oppression and discrimination (Seabright, 2012; Van de Velde, Huijts, Bracke, & Bambra, 2013).

Table 1.
The trolling magnitude scale and associated categories of behaviour
TMSeduction GravityTrolling IntensityBefriending ModeKudos MotiveDescription
1ExemptPlaytimeCyber-banteringCyber-trolling (for the lols)In the moment and quickly regret.
2UniversalTacticalCyber-trickeryIn the moment but don’t regret and continue.
3AdvisoryStrategicCyber-bullyingCyber-stalking (for the lulz)Go out of way to cause problems, but without a sustained and planned long-term campaign.
4ExplicitDominationCyber-hickeryGoes out of the way to create rich media to target one or more specific individuals.

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