Deterministic Motif Mining in Protein Databases

Deterministic Motif Mining in Protein Databases

Pedro Gabriel Ferreira, Paulo Jorge Azevedo
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-951-9.ch102
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Protein sequence motifs describe, through means of enhanced regular expression syntax, regions of amino-acids that have been conserved across several functionally related proteins. These regions may have an implication at the structural and functional level of the proteins. Sequence motif analysis can bring significant improvements towards a better understanding of the protein sequence-structure-function relation. In this chapter we review the subject of mining deterministic motifs from protein sequence databases. We start by giving a formal definition of the different types of motifs and the respective specificities. Then, we explore the methods available to evaluate the quality and interest of such patterns. Examples of applications and motif repositories are described. We discuss the algorithmic aspects and different methodologies for motif extraction. A briefly description on how sequence motifs can be used to extract structural level information patterns is also provided.

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