Different Types of Sport Events

Different Types of Sport Events

Chris A. Vassiliadis, Anestis Fotiadis
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 25
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4757-1.ch002
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The chapter shows the variety of sporting events and hints at the potential of developing these alternative activities. In order to pursue the above objective of the chapter, the various criteria for categorizing sporting events are presented first. The chapter then focuses on providing relevant examples to inform the reader about the practices and trends of sporting events that are prevalent internationally. The reality of the emergence of a variety of sporting events and activities locally and internationally is an element of interpretation of modern lifestyles. At the same time, a careful study and analysis of the varieties and types of sports, facilitates managers, and designers of sports activities and sports programs at a visitor destination is presented to identify easily opportunities for their development and exploitation.
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The Problematic Of Categorizing (Sporting) Events

The existing literature review can lead the reader to a difficult situation where he or she has to deal with a confusion of concept categorizations and varieties (see Table 1 & Fig. 1). Unfortunately, this situation cannot easily highlight to the reader an easy way of sport event classification(s) that is expected of him. An important problem is also that the standardization of criteria often concerns categories of events, such cultural, political, private oriented events, and not just sports and especially small-scale sport events. Gammon (2012, p.105) stated this problem. According to him “Unsurprisingly numerous sports events have ben situated within the special event category (which is a term often used as an umbrella term for all planned events) [...] ”. Small-Scale Sport Events in relation to Large-Scale Sport Events also have a more beneficial impact on the local community, affecting positively the “three pillars” of its development (economy, society, natural environment) (Gibson, Kaplanidou & Kang, 2012; Ziakas, 2010).

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