Digital Matchmaking: Rise of Cyber Crime and Cyber Victimology

Digital Matchmaking: Rise of Cyber Crime and Cyber Victimology

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4111-7.ch005
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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In recent years, matchmaking has gained popularity due to its deep-rooted historical significance, especially in India. The technological advancements of the newly digitalized world have further provided a platform for matchmaking on online platforms, thus giving rise to digital matchmaking. This chapter by the author explores the growing trend of utilizing digital social media and internet platforms to facilitate matchmaking. It delves into the prevalence of crimes such as impersonation, stalking, fraud, and harassment, which have escalated with the transition to online matchmaking. The chapter examines the implications of this shift and explores the challenges and opportunities presented by matchmaking through various social media channels and websites.
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