Discovering the Root Causes of Success: The Strength-Based Approach In Organisational Development

Discovering the Root Causes of Success: The Strength-Based Approach In Organisational Development

Anindita Majumdar
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9675-2.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Inspired from the movement of positive psychology, appreciative inquiry (AI) contributed immensely and continues to do so in organisational development (OD) from every aspect. As it is driven by the strength-based possibility-focused thinking approach, rather than the deficit thinking approach of problem solving inquiry method, appreciative inquiry helps in creating an overall positive environment in the organisation (practice of positive OD). The scope of appreciative inquiry, thus, is not only limited to organisational problem diagnosis and therapeutic realm, but has also spread out its wings in communication and relation building, change management, development programmes, and many more. This chapter, hence, has tried to emphasise and briefly discuss appreciative inquiry's vast scope, contribution, and positive approach in the sphere of organisational development.
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Evolution Of Ai In Practising Od Intervention

The origin of appreciative inquiry can be traced in the doctoral project of Cooperrider under Srivastva, which started in 1979, and since then its practice has evolved as one the most popular tool of developmental intervention in organisations. It all began when Cooperrider became an intern at the Cleveland Clinic. Working as a part of the research project on physician leadership, Cooperrider’s task was to interview physician leaders throughout the organisation. While conducting those interviews, Cooperrider gained more and more interest in the organisational governance process. The data collection initially focused on the problematic issues of the organisation. But as the study proceeded and Cooperrider began gaining interest in the positive aspects of the organisation process, Srivastva encouraged his young student to be more focused on the positive and developmental perspective within the organisation rather than the problems.

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