DWT-Based Steganography for Image Transmission

DWT-Based Steganography for Image Transmission

Sahar A. El-Rahman
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-6504-9.ch008
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Due to internet development, data transfer becomes faster and easier to transmit and receive different data types. The possibility of data loss or data modification by a third party is high. So, designing a model that allows stakeholders to share their data confidently over the internet is urgent. Steganography is a term used to hide information and an attempt to conceal the existence of embedded information in different types of multimedia. In this chapter, a steganography model is proposed to embed an image into a cover image based on DWT approach as the first phase. Then, the embedded secret image is extracted from the stego-image as the second phase. Model performance was evaluated based on signal noise ratio (SNR), PSNR, and MSE (mean square error). The proposed steganographic model based on DWT is implemented to hide confidential images about a nuclear reactor and military devices. The findings indicate that the proposed model provides a relatively high embedding payload with no visual distortion in the stego-image. It improves the security and maintains the hidden image correctness.
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Data Hiding

This technology utilizes to hide secret messages (Kumar & Pooja, 2010). The types of security system are two different types Cryptography and Steganography. Cryptography is a set of two Greek words Crypto means “Secret” and Graphy means “writing” is a way to changing the message to another secret form is differ style the original with the support of a secret key and this process is called Encryption. Use Cryptography to refer to the science and art of transforming messages to make them secure to attacks. Changed value of the secret message called cipher and to get the original message from cipher called Decryption (Kumar, 2014). There are two types of information hiding; the first is watermarking technology embeds a message into an image, text, or other digital objects (Nasereddin, 2011). Steganography is considered as the art and science of communicating in a way that hides the presence of communication. The goal to hide messages inside other messages in a way does not allow any scamper even to detect that there is a second message existing (Thampi, 2004). Steganography in the security domain as shown in Figure 1 (Sumathi et al., 2014), and the cryptography, watermarking, and steganography comparison as indicated in Table 1 (Kumar, 2014).

The steganographic system embeds hidden content in unremarkable cover media (Provos & Honeyman, 2003). Steganography word of two Greek words “stegos” and “grafia”. Stego means “cover” and grafia means “writing”. Steganalysis is a technique to uncover the presence of steganography. Steganography is the practice of embedding secret information in a way such that the existence of the information hides. The original file referred to as cover text, cover image, or cover audio. The secret message referred to a stego-object after inserting. To enclose the extraction or detection of the embedded data, a stego-key will be used for hiding (Kumar, 2014).

Figure 1.

Steganography in the security domain.

Source: (Sumathi et al., 2014)

Key Terms in this Chapter

Steganography: It has many algorithms not just for having a secret message, but also to have a correct message. The way of embedding a confidential message in media (audio, text, image, video), without change in the host signal, and it is one of the essential ways to hide information.

DFT (Discrete Fourier Transformation): It is the transform that deals with a limited discrete time signal and a limited or a discrete recurrences number.

RPE (Random Pixel Embedding): Data is hidden in some randomly been chosen pixel. Random pixel created by using a Fibonacci algorithm.

DCT (Discrete Cosine Transformation): A technique used to transform domain algorithms for expressing a waveform as a weighted sum of cosines.

Cryptography: It provides a way of securing a reliable connection.

Information Security: It starts to be critical and a major in many institutions.

DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform): It is a linear transformation that operates on a data vector whose extent is integer strength of two.

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