Emerging Digitalization Trends in Human Resource Management

Emerging Digitalization Trends in Human Resource Management

Usha Prabhu, Y. Fathima, N. Sathyanarayana, Madireddi S. S. V. Srikumar, Luigi Pio Leonardo Cavaliere
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 21
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0049-7.ch015
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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New technology has transformed how organizations function in recent decades. With recent advancements, companies may work faster and more efficiently. Human resources departments profited since they have several duties that touch internal and external clients. Electronic human resource management (e-HRM) uses the latest web-based and computer-based technologies, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning applications, to conduct human resource management activities. These tools make human resource professionals' tasks easier and allow them to focus on strategic work rather than paperwork. Digital human resource management (DHRM) has moved to recruiting, career management, training and development, performance management, and pay. This chapter examines information technology (IT), digital human resource management, planning, and decision-making.
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2. Decentralized Human Resources: The Rise Of Modern Management Approaches

According to Anyim et al., (2011) poll, significant staff turnover means revamping traditional methods of finding new employees. As a result, HR departments continue to prioritize adaptability, digitalization, and hybrid work arrangements.

According to the analysis by Bell et al., (2006), HR departments should decentralize in favour of a “hyperlocal model,” in which managers take on the responsibility of communicating directly with their teams. They went on to say that standard methods of management appraisal and advancement should be revised as well (Townsend & Bennett, 2003). Companies should not promote “task managers” to upper management roles but rather people who have demonstrated their ability to lead and coach others. When planning for human resource technology in 2022, keep in mind the following:

  • Managerial assessment metrics should be reviewed, and managers should be encouraged to grow in areas other than operational competence.

  • Don’t accept the premise that management knows best.

  • Managers should be given more resources and information. Increase productivity by using the correct technological resources to identify and train managers more effectively.

Digitalization might be described as the changes resulting from the application of digital technology to every facet of human civilization (Stolterman & Fors, 2004; Bondarouk & Rul, 2009). Digital technologies are altering the old methods of HRM service delivery within enterprises. There is a significant possibility that digitalizing HRM will contribute to an increase in overall corporate success (Hooi, 2006).

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