Emerging Framework for Planning and Implementation of Online Programs

Emerging Framework for Planning and Implementation of Online Programs

Victor M. Hernández-Gantes
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-0252-6.ch013
(Individual Chapters)
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The dramatic growth of online education over the past two decades is requiring colleges to make a shift from fragmented approaches to program planning and implementation towards a framework integrating both into a coherent support system. This article provides an overview of an emerging holistic framework for planning and implementation of online programs calling for shared strategic planning needs assessment strategies, and establishing program consensus. Guided by a program vision, curriculum and instructional strategies are identified along with internal and external supports needed for successful implementation. The framework suggests demand-driven strategic planning, benchmarking approaches to implementation practices, and interactive feedback to ensure effective program planning and implementation.
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Online education has become a viable and popular alternative to traditional classroom instruction in higher education. However, as it evolved over the past two decades, the term has been associated with many terms warranting clarification. Concurrently, the growth of online education has been remarkable and it is important to highlight enrollment trends as evidence of its rising prominence and the need for systemic approaches to planning and implementation.

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