Emerging State Programs

Emerging State Programs

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3416-8.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
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When performing research for this book it was hard to pick the states to focus on. The following states opened the door to talk about their successes and failures. This chapter is about highlighting several states and position in the creative economy, what projects they are focusing on and their plans for the future. The author hopes that disruptive leaders will see the need and step up to fulfill the role of championing the creative economy in their states.
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At the heart of the creative economy are the cultural and creative industries that lie at the crossroads of arts, culture, business and technology - (National Governors Association, 1999)

In a recent study, fifteen agencies in various states were interviewed and studied. The states are a mixture of rural, semi-urban and urban, all quite different in culture and diversity. Some states have been successful in developing and implementing the creative economy, some are still working toward that goal, but all have dedicated professionals leading the charge and no doubt will be successful. Their tireless energy and passion to build state programs, with some on limited funding, is amazing, and their accomplishments are great. Talking to state agencies and looking at existing research, the economic environment gives a clearer picture of where the states stand, and if the creative economy is existing or flourishing. This amazing group of disruptive leaders, who are collaborating with others, are developing their economies to attract business, entrepreneurs, and young talented professionals to their states, and it is working.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau (2018), Vermont, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, Wyoming, South Dakota, and Arkansas are considered 50% rural. Kansas, Tennessee, and New Mexico 28.8% rural. Utah, Nevada, and Colorado are 10 to 28.8% rural. Louisiana and Washington are considered 10% rural. Let us look at their accomplishments by state.

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