Employee Wellbeing English Language Proficiency a Key to Knowledge Sharing and Social Interaction

Employee Wellbeing English Language Proficiency a Key to Knowledge Sharing and Social Interaction

Muhammad Khaleel, Shankar Chelliah
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-2405-6.ch019
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter discusses the significance of employee wellbeing at the workplace and self-perceived English language proficiency as a predictor variable. The importance of employee wellbeing has been recognized all around the world. To generalize the findings of previous literature this study has examined the proposed model in the context of telecom MNCs in Pakistan. This chapter starts with what is wellbeing at the workplace? And moves towards it significance in the context of developed and underdeveloped countries. Further, this chapter explains the empirical findings of the proposed model. The results revealed a strong correlation between self-perceived English language proficiency and dimensions of employee wellbeing at the workplace. This is a very important chapter for both researchers and managers.
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Background: Employee Wellbeing At Workplace

Employees’ well-being is also an important constituent for an employee to make decision for his future in the organization. Thus, there is extensive amount of evidence to point out the correlation between employees’ well-being and performance. Meanwhile, importance of employees’ well-being is also noticed by the policy makers in Pakistan. They have highlighted the importance of employees’ well-being by ensuring the welfare of the worker, job security and good working conditions as key element in the Fifth Labor Policy, 2010. It is argued that environments should be created in a way, in which employees and employers are dedicated in enhancing the labor productivity (Fifth Labor Policy, 2010).


The term employee well-being refers to “the mental and physical health of the workers” (Currie, 2001; Eatough, 2013). Which means that employee should be working in such environment where he feels safe both physically and mentally. Mental health refers to the presence of wellness rather than the absence of illness. Well-being is a broader topic that covers so many organizational and workplace factors. Page and Vella-Brodrick (2009) operationalizes employee wellbeing and covers all the aspects of employee’s wellbeing including psychological wellbeing, subjective wellbeing and wellbeing at workplace. Figure below explains the idea of Page and Vella-Brodrick. As shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Model of Employee Mental Health


Significance Of Employee Wellbeing At Workplace

This chapter on employee wellbeing at workplace will promote:

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