Özcan, İsmail Çağrı. "Environmental, Social, and Governance Disclosure and Financial Performance: Evidence From the Rail Industry." Sustainability Reporting, Ethics, and Strategic Management Strategies for Modern Organizations, edited by Ionica Oncioiu, et al., IGI Global, 2021, pp. 244-253.
Özcan, İ. Ç. (2021). Environmental, Social, and Governance Disclosure and Financial Performance: Evidence From the Rail Industry. In I. Oncioiu, S. Căpușneanu, D. Topor, & D. Constantin (Eds.), Sustainability Reporting, Ethics, and Strategic Management Strategies for Modern Organizations (pp. 244-253). IGI Global.
Özcan, İsmail Çağrı. "Environmental, Social, and Governance Disclosure and Financial Performance: Evidence From the Rail Industry." In Sustainability Reporting, Ethics, and Strategic Management Strategies for Modern Organizations, edited by Ionica Oncioiu, et al., 244-253. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2021.
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