Estimation of Muscle Forces About the Ankle During Gait in Healthy and Neurologically Impaired Subjects

Estimation of Muscle Forces About the Ankle During Gait in Healthy and Neurologically Impaired Subjects

Daniel N. Bassett, Joseph D. Gardinier, Kurt T. Manal, Thomas S. Buchanan
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-836-9.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter describes a biomechanical model of the forces about the ankle joint applicable to both unimpaired and neurologically impaired subjects. EMGs and joint kinematics are used as inputs and muscle forces are the outputs. A hybrid modeling approach that uses both forward and inverse dynamics is employed and physiological parameters for the model are tuned for each subject using optimization procedures. The forward dynamics part of the model takes muscle activation and uses Hill-type models of muscle contraction dynamics to estimate muscle forces and the corresponding joint moments. Inverse dynamics is used to calibrate the forward dynamics model predictions of joint moments. In this chapter we will describe how to implement an EMG-driven hybrid forward and inverse dynamics model of the ankle that can be used in healthy and neurologically impaired people.

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