Evaluating the New Age of Digital Technologies for Sustainable Higher Education Through Empirical Investigation in India

Evaluating the New Age of Digital Technologies for Sustainable Higher Education Through Empirical Investigation in India

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-5673-9.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
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A sustainable education model is a comprehensive learning system which provides inclusive learning experiences to all sections of society. This study aims to address the two crucial aspect such as to identify the role of digital technology among the higher educational institution's students and to analyze the positive and negative impacts of digital learning systems in the higher education institutions. Institutions of Higher Learning (HEIs) are crucial in forming society. A robust higher education system is essential to a nation's ability to thrive in the global economy, as well as to its economic, social cohesion, and status as a global leader in facilitating social change. It is appropriate that emphasis be focused on how higher education may improve society, support national economic development, and advance political democracy, cultural variety, and international collaboration. Based on this background, this study found that digital technology made a positive impact on the higher educational sustainability and inclusivity
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