Events of Instruction: Gaining Attention and Stimulating Motivation

Events of Instruction: Gaining Attention and Stimulating Motivation

Kim E. Dooley, James R. Linder, Larry M. Dooley
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-485-9.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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In previous chapters, we explored systematic instructional design, learner-centered instruction, and objective writing. Now we will give you some nuts and bolts on specific lesson planning and methods to gain attention and stimulate motivation in distance education. What are Gagné’s Nine Events of Instruction and how do these events impact lesson planning? Why use icebreakers and openers in the lesson? How do you stimulate learner motivation? What kinds of things should be included in the closing segment of a lesson?

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