Evolution of Business Intelligence

Evolution of Business Intelligence

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0839-4.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter presents a general overview of the evolution of Business intelligence. The different types of intelligence used in organizations are described along with their most important characteristics. Cybersecurity and its relevance are also included. The method used is the literature review. The history id business intelligence has been woven using information from varied sources since a comprehensive history has not been developed before. Timelines are incorporated to show changes in the field through history and to pinpoint important events that led to what we know now as Business Intelligence.
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2. Background

The turbulent and disruptive environment prevalent in the world has generated exponential changes that increase uncertainty. This context has led to a reassessment and conceptual revision of the methodologies used to develop strategies and make decisions, particularly in areas of senior management that require timely, rigorous, and transparent decision-making processes (Fernández-Villacañas Marín, 2020).

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