Examining Causal Linkages for Sustainable Development: A Literature Review

Examining Causal Linkages for Sustainable Development: A Literature Review

Ritu Rana, Manoj Sharma, Mir Sayed Shah Danish
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4915-5.ch007
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This chapter aims to summarize the literature comprising several variables crucial for sustainable development and the examination of causal linkages existing among these variables. This chapter explores the existing literature related to the causality-testing techniques used by several researchers and academicians in the field of sustainable development. This study sums up with a wide variety of existing causality-testing techniques in the literature (both conventional and latest/improved ones). Still, researchers are making efforts for further studies and strive to continually look for examining these causal linkages in a better way. Although several variables have been used in previous studies to explore the causality relationships for sustainable development, it seems there is no limit to the number of such explanatory variables. Therefore, causality testing for sustainable development has a broader scope always for further research advancements in this area.
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Winchester and Salji (2016) emphasized that ‘reviews’ should be informative, personal (but unbiased synopsis of information), and it should provide a balanced view of conflicting findings and inconsistencies along with established and current thinking instead of just providing an exhaustive list of all that has been published. Nakano and Muniz Jr. (2018) are also of the opinion that ‘reviews’ provide a comprehensive analysis of academic production regarding a certain topic, and mention them as very useful for both new and experienced researchers. Thus, it is important to conduct a comprehensive review of studies available in the literature before conducting any research study. This section has been further divided into three sub-sections. The first sub-section contains the two basic concepts used by researchers that define the growth-environment relationship upon which the previous and current literature is based. The second sub-section lists out some important variables, which are addressed in literature to explain such relationship. The third sub-section mentions some important causality testing techniques used in the literature to find out the causal linkages among these variables. Although all the sections are interlinked, and literature survey includes a review of all the studies related to examination of causal linkages for sustainable development, but for the ease of reading, these separate sections are classified.

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