Examining the Roles of Virtual Team and Information Technology in Global Business

Examining the Roles of Virtual Team and Information Technology in Global Business

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9688-4.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter aims to examine the roles of virtual team and information technology (IT) in global business, thus describing the theoretical and practical overviews of virtual team and IT; the importance of virtual team in global business; and the importance of IT in global business. The applications of virtual team and IT are necessary for modern organizations that seek to serve suppliers and customers, increase business performance, strengthen competitiveness, and achieve continuous success in global business. Therefore, it is essential for modern organizations to examine their virtual team and IT applications, develop a strategic plan to regularly check their practical advancements, and immediately respond to virtual team and IT needs of customers in modern organizations. The chapter argues that applying virtual team and IT has the potential to increase organizational performance and reach strategic goals in global business.
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Virtual Team And Information Technology In Global Business

This section describes the theoretical and practical overviews of virtual team and IT; the importance of virtual team in global business; and the importance of IT in global business.

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