Exploratory Data Analysis and Energy Predictions With Advanced AI and ML Techniques

Exploratory Data Analysis and Energy Predictions With Advanced AI and ML Techniques

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 35
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1586-6.ch018
(Individual Chapters)
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Solar and wind energy forecasting is vital for efficient energy management and sustainable power grid operations. This chapter explores machine learning (ML) algorithms for solar and wind energy forecasting using a dataset comprising power generation data and relevant environmental parameters. The Random Forest model demonstrates robust accuracy, signifying its potential for precise wind power prediction. The SVR model also performs well, affirming its aptitude for accurate wind power prediction. However, the XGBoost model stands out, achieving the lowest MAE, minimal RMSE, and exceptionally high R-squared values. These findings showcase the effectiveness of ML algorithms in harnessing data-driven insights for precise solar and wind energy forecasting, contributing to a sustainable and reliable energy future.
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Energy forecasting and data analysis are fundamental components of contemporary energy management. Energy forecasting entails predicting future energy demand, supply, prices, or other relevant parameters based on historical data and mathematical models. Accurate forecasts are vital for resource planning, policy development, and market analysis, aiding in optimal resource allocation and risk management. Key approaches include time series analysis, statistical modelling, and machine learning, each offering unique insights into energy patterns. Factors such as weather patterns, economic growth, and technological advancements influence these forecasts. On the other hand, data analysis in the energy sector involves examining raw data to identify patterns, trends, and correlations. It is instrumental in enhancing operational efficiency, cost management, and sustainability initiatives. Techniques like descriptive analysis, predictive analysis, and prescriptive analysis are employed to derive actionable insights from data. Data from various sources, including meter readings, sensor data, and historical records, serve as valuable inputs for these analyses. In the ever-evolving energy landscape, energy forecasting and data analysis facilitate informed decision-making, fostering efficient energy management and sustainability. Advanced technologies and interdisciplinary approaches continually enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of these practices. Integration of renewable energy poses challenges due to its unpredictable, weather-dependent nature, complicating accurate forecasting. Data quality and availability issues impact forecast accuracy. Rapid changes in energy technologies and policies demand adaptable forecasting models. Overcoming these hurdles requires advanced modelling, enhanced data quality, improved computing, and a deep understanding of energy domain factors.

Data analysis is vital for energy forecasting, extracting insights from abundant energy sector data. It identifies trends, aiding accurate forecasting models and better predictions. Statistical and machine learning methods optimize model selection, enhancing accuracy. These insights guide decisions for policymakers, energy firms, and stakeholders, improving efficiency and sustainability. Data analysis facilitates renewable energy integration, demand management, risk assessment, and resource planning. It empowers data-driven decisions, optimizing operations for a greener, resilient energy future. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is fundamental in energy forecasting. It involves a comprehensive analysis of historical energy data, identifying patterns, trends, and correlations using descriptive statistics and visualizations like time series plots. EDA addresses data quality by handling missing data and outliers. It guides feature selection and engineering, enabling the development of accurate forecasting models. EDA establishes a strong foundation for advanced modelling, crucial for informed and precise energy forecasting, vital in effective energy management and planning. Pre-processing and cleaning energy datasets are vital for accurate forecasting. It starts with addressing missing values, deciding to impute or remove them. Outliers are identified and handled. Normalization ensures consistent scales for fair comparisons. Feature engineering modifies or creates features to capture energy patterns. Categorical variables are transformed for model compatibility. Redundant or irrelevant features are removed, and data inconsistencies are corrected. Skewed distributions are adjusted. Feature selection, using methods like correlation analysis, is crucial for efficient energy forecasting models.

Regression algorithms are vital in energy forecasting, predicting numerical outcomes crucial for energy sector planning. Linear Regression establishes a linear relationship, useful for modelling energy consumption or production against factors like time or weather. Multiple Linear Regression extends this to multiple predictors for a more realistic view. Polynomial Regression captures intricate, nonlinear relationships using higher-degree polynomials. Ridge and Lasso Regression combat overfitting and aid feature selection. Support Vector Regression (SVR) transforms the feature space to optimize error. Decision Tree Regression and Random Forest yield accurate predictions. Gradient Boosting Regression (e.g., XGBoost, LightGBM) progressively refines predictions using weak models. These algorithms enable efficient resource management and decision-making in the energy landscape, selected based on context, data, and accuracy requirements.

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