Exploring the Indian Solid Waste Regime in 2024: A Policy and Infrastructure Review From a Tier 2 City of India

Exploring the Indian Solid Waste Regime in 2024: A Policy and Infrastructure Review From a Tier 2 City of India

Chandramauli Dhaundhiyal, Deepak Kholiya, Siddhi Vinayak, Nulaa Dhaundiyal
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 26
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4054-7.ch001
(Individual Chapters)
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This research aims to contribute to the development of literature and policy analysis required for the development of a comprehensive and integrated SWM system in Tier 2 cities, aligning with the national goals of cleanliness and public health. The chapter has two main objectives. The first objective is to deconstruct the policy framework governing SWM in the chosen Tier 2 city. The case study approach helps highlight potential disconnects between policy and on-ground practices. The study explores the infrastructure limitations in Tier 2 cities, including and not limited to insufficient funding, outdated technology, and limited waste processing capacity. The chapter concludes by suggesting areas for further research and offering policy recommendations for bridging policy gaps, bolstering infrastructure, and fostering community engagement in SWM. Future research can delve deeper into specific aspects of the framework. Additionally, the learnings from this study can potentially inform practical solutions for managing solid waste in developing nations facing similar challenges.
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