Factors Responsible for Selecting Government-Owned Accommodations in the Himalayan Region of West Bengal

Factors Responsible for Selecting Government-Owned Accommodations in the Himalayan Region of West Bengal

Dillip Kumar Kumar Das, Ushashi Mitra
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0823-3.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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In the world of tourism, accommodation plays a very crucial role. Accommodation is the key to the success of tourism industry, any development in the tourism Industry is quite not possible unless the problem of accommodation has been fixed. The hotel is actually home away from home for travelers. Tourists generally choose accommodation on the basis of few things like their financial ability, the standard of living, geographical location, environment, available amenities, safety, and security. Arriving in a new location with family or alone always gives tension to the traveler because they are new to the place and not aware of local issues. In this chapter, the authors will discuss the factors that influence any tourist to choose government owned accommodation, to find out why tourists are psychologically attracted towards government owned accommodation. In this current study, the authors select the accommodations provided by Govt. of West Bengal with special reference to the Himalayan region and tried to examine the reasons for which the government owned accommodation attracts the tourists in this region.
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1. Introduction

Accommodation plays an important role in tourism industry, as it provides tourists an opportunity to stay for a length of time to enjoy the beauties of that location. Today, the accommodation does not mean only bed and breakfast but lot about amenities or the service they provide. Hotel industries are offering a wide range of services for the tourists to facilitate. Accommodation plays a base role for tourists to explore the destination, experience local food, participating in adventurous activities, witnessing cultural events, shopping from local markets etc. which any way generates the revenue of the locals by creating employment opportunities.

Pre-independence British’s formed a few summer houses in hill stations of India to cope up with summer heat, Calcutta and Shimla respectively used to be the capital for the British rulers. From then the Himalayan hill stations of India slowly became the interesting for the tourists. In the early 19th century, northern district of West Bengal situated in the foothills of eastern Himalayas, within close range from Calcutta, Darjeeling became the potential destination for the British for spending summer and relaxing in soothing cool weather. Today, Darjeeling is known as ‘Queen of Hills’. Natural beauty, breathtaking view of Kanchenjunga, flora fauna and the British colonial architecture made this place a perfect destination for national and international tourists.

Apart from Darjeeling, its adjacent places like Kalimpong and Kurseong became very popular destination for the tourists. Govt. of West Bengal established few accommodation units with such amenities to facilitate the tourists.

1.1 List of the Accommodation at the Foothill of Himalayas Offers by the Govt. of West Bengal

  • 1.

    Darjeeling Tourism Property: This accommodation unit is situated near famous mall road of Darjeeling. View of the Kanchenjunga from the rooms of this property is phenomenal.

Infrastructure of this property currently offers:

  • 9 Bedrooms (2 large, 7 standard)

  • 1 restaurant

  • 1 tavern

  • 1 lawn

    • 2.

      Kurseong Tourism Property: This unit is situated in the road side of Darjeeling, provides rooms and restaurant for the travellers.

Infrastructure of this property currently offers:

  • 10 Bedrooms (2 large, 8 standard)

  • 1 restaurant

  • 1 tavern

    • 3.

      Morgan House Tourism Property: This property is a heritage property that tourism of Bengal offers. In 1930s Mr. Morgan (a jute tycoon of British East India Company) & Mrs. Morgan constructed this mansion to as their summer home. Post independence government took control of this majestic property. Morgan House is a great piece of British colonial architecture with Victorian mansion, gabled roof, large glass windows, towering chimneys and the ivy plant over the building took a place in travellers bucket list.

Infrastructure of this property currently offers:

  • 16 Bedrooms (6 in main building, 10 in annexed building)

  • 2 Restaurant

  • 3 Lawn

    • 4.

      Hill Top Tourism Property: Near to Dr. Grahams home at Kalimpong, Hill-Top tourism Property is another beautiful stay. A peaceful wooden old-fashioned bungalow with a view of Kanchenjunga makes this property a weekend destination.

Infrastructure of this property currently offers:

  • 8 Bedrooms

  • 1 Restaurant

  • 1 Lawn

All these properties provide amenities like, TV, free wi-fi, laundry, room service, restaurant etc.

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