Feeling the Context

Feeling the Context

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2329-8.ch006
(Individual Chapters)
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The contextual reasoning of place and subject dialog from a mimetic point of view has been central to this work. The chapter discusses modern mosque architecture, focusing on the studio project of the second-year students. The goal of each student in the design should be to reach the critical moment by seeing and expressing the spiritual feelings of the user in a place of worship. As designers, students are expected to feel the requirements of context by looking through the eyes of the users of the space, and the educators are expected to help this with the methods used. This chapter is written to convey the methodological details of feeling the context which is defined as contextual reasoning. According to the analysis, three different student approaches emerged at the end of the design process. These are inspired interpretation, imitation by partial interpretation, and exact imitation. In summary, the contextual attitudes that students develop by using the domain sources in a mimetic way help students empathically experience the space even at the superficial level of insideness.
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